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LeToya - Torn Piano Accompaniment Tutorial + Voice

The tempo of "Torn" by LeToya is approximately 80 beats per minute (BPM). LeToya Luckett's "Torn" is a soul-stirr... thumbnail 1 summary

The tempo of "Torn" by LeToya is approximately 80 beats per minute (BPM).

LeToya Luckett's "Torn" is a soul-stirring R&B anthem that leaves an indelible mark with its captivating melody and poignant narrative. Released in 2006 as part of her self-titled debut album "LeToya," the song is a testament to the artist's emotive vocal prowess and her ability to convey profound emotional depth.

The melancholic melody, underscored by a blend of minor chords and subtle key changes, resonates with a sense of vulnerability and inner conflict, perfectly complementing the raw, heartfelt lyrics that speak of love's complexities and heartache.

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